치매예방, 두뇌건강 CLARITY 클래리티

[유니환]치매예방, 두뇌건강 CLARITY 클래리티


$169.00 $180.00  (6% off)

Clarity is for the brain. It is composed of natural herbs related to the spleen, stomach, heart, and kidney to supply more blood to the brain. By dilating the blood vessels in the brain, the speed of blood circulation increases. Ultimately, it helps the brain function for all age ranges: in the student to help them study, in the adult to improve forgetfulness, and even for elderly adults to prevent dementia.

클래리티는 두뇌건강을 위한 환약입니다. 비장, 위장, 심장, 신장은 두뇌의 영양분을 공급시키는 장기입니다.  클래리티는 이 4개의 장기 기능을 향상시켜주는 천연약초들로 만들어져 두뇌에 더 많은 혈액을 공급하고, 두뇌의 혈관을 확장시켜 혈액의 순환 속도를 증가시키는데에 도움을 줍니다.

The results experienced are: 복용 후 효능

  1. Increase in cerebral blood flow. 뇌혈류량 증가
  2. Improvement of dizziness, headache, etc. 어지러움, 두통 개선
  3. Increased memory and improved academic performance. 기억력 및 학업능률 향상
  4. Prevention of dementia. 치매예방
  5. Brighten eyes and hearing power. 귀와 눈이 밝아짐
  6. Calming of the mind. 정서적 안정

Directions: Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, 30 minutes after meals with warm water. For brain health, Clarity can be taken in perpetuity.

복용법: 하루에 2회, 식사 30분 후에 더운 물과 함께 한 숟가락씩 복용하세요. 뇌건강을 위해 장기 복용 가능합니다.

Caution: Children or those who weigh under 100 lbs should take ½ tablespoon each time. Pregnant women should not take Clarity.

주의사항: 100 파운드 이하 어린이나 성인들은 반숟가락씩 복용하세요. 임산부는 복용을 금합니다.

For Better Results

(1)  When to supply nutrients to the brain

  • When the saliva from the parotid gland is mixed with food and chemical reactions occur, the clearest energy is evaporated and returned to the brain. The saliva must be struck against the molars more than 30 times before it is secreted, so it is important to chew food thoroughly.
  • When stomach(gastric) acid and food are mixed in the stomach, the clearest energy is extracted and the spleen is fed to the brain – the food habits recommended by Digestion must be implemented

(2)  If you follow through these two things well, you can prevent the loss of brain cells.

  • Pounding hundred times – tapping the top of the head with a finger or bamboo for more than 5 minutes – Vibration stimulation helps to stimulate brain cells

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